Posted: 10/08/2019
General Information
Acting as agent for the USFS, the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) offers for sale approximately 2,772 tons of pine sawtimber, 442 tons of pine chip-n-saw, 628 tons of pine pulpwood, 213 tons of mixed hardwood sawtimber, and 655 tons of hardwood pulpwood on approximately 127+/- acres. No representation is being made concerning the actual amount of timber which could be harvested from this tract. Bidders are expected to satisfy themselves as to both quantity and value of the timber before submitting a bid. By nature of this announcement, you are invited to bid on the timber described herein.
The sale area is located just south of Maplesville off State Hwy 22 in portions of Sections 1, 2, 11 & 12, Township 20 North, Range 11 East, Chilton County, AL, as shown on attached map.
Description of Timber
The majority of the timber in this sale is Longleaf pine, a good portion of which is pole quality. This sale is in two parts: a select cut on 81+/- acres and a clearcut on 46+/- acres (see attached map). Leave trees have been marked in orange paint on the select cut portion. A few scattered relic Longleaf pines have also been marked with orange paint in the clearcut portion. Only unmarked trees may be cut in both portions. Orange-painted trees are not to be cut. Sale and SMZ boundaries are marked with 3 stripes of orange paint and orange or pink flagging. No trees are to be cut outside of these marked boundaries. Penalties will be assessed for cutting of orange-marked trees or trees outside of the sale areas. All roads are to be maintained and restored to original or better condition upon completion of logging. BMP’s as described in the publication “Alabama’s Best Management Practices for Forestry” are to be followed at all times.
Lump-sum, signed bids will be received until 10:00 AM on November 6, 2019, at the AFC state office at 513 Madison Ave. in downtown Montgomery, for purchase of all timber officially designated for sale. Please use the attached bid form. Mailed bids should be clearly addressed to “National Forest Timber Sale #20-1, c/o David Kelley, P.O. Box 302550, Montgomery, AL 36130-2550”. The envelope containing the bid should also be marked “Sealed bid to be opened on 11/6/2019”. Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening at the AFC state office. Bids will also be accepted by e-mail at: Bids received after 10:00 AM on November 6, 2019 will not be considered. The AFC reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bidders will be duly notified of the bid results.
A contract form similar to the one to be executed for this timber sale may be viewed online at or obtained by calling David Kelley at the phone number below. The length of the cutting contract will be for 12 months. If needed, a 3-month extension may be purchased for 10% of the original purchase price. The successful bidder will also be required to post a performance bond for the sale area at the time of the contract negotiations in the amount of $5,000.
How to See Timber
Interested bidders may inspect the sale area at any time. For additional information call David Kelley at 334-850-3069 (cell).
Additional Resources